Approach: Using the responsive and practical doula lens alongside her clinical perinatal therapy training, Ashley provides time-limited, home-based, doula-informed psychotherapy during reproductive period. Ashley has particular interest in supporting parents and families as they build families in new community, “high risk” pregnancies, fertility support and feeding concerns. She is especially sensitive to those transitioning into parenthood with concerns about mental wellbeing during the postpartum period. She supports families of all ages and stages.
- DC transplant families
- Trying to Conceive/Reproductive concerns
- First time parents
- Interracial and interfaith/religious families
- Survivors of assault and trauma
- Adopted and fostered persons
- LGBTQ community
How this works:
Pre-natal: Ashley meets with expecting families in the context of their home, however they define it. Typically, she will see a family (gestational parent with supportive persons and/or partner(s)) one or two times prior to your due date in your home to get to know you and your needs/expectations about post-partum work. Should you be hospitalized for any reason, Ashley will make site visits to your place of care if desired. Pre-natal visits typically last 1-2 hours.
At Birth: Ashley will be available over the phone immediately after your birth for consultation, and may make a visit either to your home or place of delivery within 48 hours, depending on our pre-natal contract.
Post-partum: Most post-partum visits range from 1-2 hours each and take place in your home anywhere from 0-12 weeks post-partum. Post-partum visits are diverse and flexible, centering on gestational parent and system of care wellness. While therapeutic in nature, it is not uncommon for these visits to consist of food preparation/planning, assisting with infant care, parent self-care implementation and planning, role adjustment assistance with siblings and partners/family, exercise, and psychoeducation. Should needs arise beyond the post-partum doula and clinical social work scope of practice, referrals will be made to a practitioner in the community.