Please contact Ashley to discuss current or upcoming groups.
Group Therapy
Approach: Ashley has extensive experience facilitating groups in both therapeutic and community settings and believes strongly in the power of group to facilitate healing.
How this works: Group therapy sessions typically last from 1-1.5 hours and are located in person or online. Groups are typically comprised of 4-9 persons.
Current group offerings:
A.S.P.E.N. (TM) Adult Wilderness Therapy Group: Adults Slowly and Purposefully Exploring Nature (ASPEN) is a group for adults who wish to use group psychotherapy (reimbursable) in combination with eco-therapy, mindfulness practice and the Japanese practice of “forest bathing” to address anxiety, depression, and other concerns. Ashley is actively recruiting for this group, located in Northern Virginia. The ASPEN curriculum is trademarked by Wolf Tree Wilderness Therapy, LLC.
Previous group offerings:
- HeartSpace for Educators, with ekoe healing
- Loss and Bereavement
- “Learning to Breathe” Mindfulness groups for Adolescents and Teachers
- Complex Loss and Mexican Identity Development in Mexican-American Young Men
- Affective and Interpersonal Regulation for Adolescent Girls
- Skills Training for Affective and Interpersonal Regulation for Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma
- Feminine Spirituality for Healing Professionals
- Coming of Age: Identity Development for adolescents, mentors and parents, (grades 8-9)
- Our Whole Lives Comprehensive Sexuality classes, (grades kindergarten – older adult)
- Interpersonal groups for recently immigrated immigrant women
- Interfaith Feminine Spirituality
- Supervision for Masters-Level Social Work students
- Anti-Racist Organizing in Social Service Organizations
Fees: Group psychotherapy can be reimbursed through your insurance depending on the nature of your group. The “per session” fee is often significantly lower than individual therapy.
Credentials: Ashley completed a two year advanced training course in group work practice from 2012-2014 specializing in experiential, interpersonal, and anti-racist group theory and practice through the Martha K. Selig Institute at JBFCS in New York City. She has over 500 hours facilitating groups in various community and therapeutic settings and is certified as a group psychotherapist through the International Board of Certified Group Psychotherapists.